Few things are more important to a believer than the salvation of their loved ones. We long for those closest to us to experience the same peace, joy, and hope that comes from knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Yet sometimes it can feel like our prayers for their salvation are falling on deaf ears. In those moments, it’s essential to remember that salvation is ultimately a work of God’s grace. And so we come before Him in prayer, asking that He would open the hearts of our loved ones to receive the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Below are 25 prayer points with accompanying scriptures that you can use to intercede for the salvation of those you love. May these prayers encourage and guide you as you entrust your loved ones to God’s mercy and grace.
[Please pray these prayers with faith that you and all your family members shall serve the Lord.
- Father I commit my family members who haven’t surrendered their all to you, I pray that you touch their hearts, touch every stubborn and hardened heart Lord and let them humble themselves before you in the name of Jesus. Proverbs 95:8
- Father every power that stopping my family members from receiving the good news of Christ be destroyed, let evil hold that is caging them be destroyed and loosed, they are free now in the name of Jesus. Jeremiah 1:19
- Father every evil covenant and oath, cult or evil group that any of my family members might have entered, which is stopping them from being saved and drawing them into the outside world by your blood and fire release them from such gathering and strong hold in the name of Jesus. Ezekiel 16:59
- Father save my family members from the power of sin , help them not to fulfil the desire of the flesh, power to say No to sin and transgressions Father grant it upon them in the name of Jesus. Romans 6:12
- Father deliver my family members from every strange spirit that does not allow the free movement of the Spirit of God in their lives, every spirit putting them captive and making them a slave in this life be destroy and set them free in the name of Jesus. Leviticus 20:6
- Holy Spirit move like never before in the lives of my family members, arrest them whether they want or do not want , I pray that you move with your mighty power into their lives and do a wondrous thing in their life in the name of Jesus. Ephesians 6:10
- Father every sin, guilt and shame that is stopping my family members from getting saved be washed by your precious blood, deliver them from every bondage of the enemies in the name of Jesus. Colosians 3:5
- Father show mercy upon my family members, anything stopping them being saved have mercy upon them and save them, envelope them with your divine mercy in the name of Jesus. Proverb 28:13
- Father endue my family members with your Spirit from on high, let your fire and power come upon them, let them receive the fruit and the gifts of your Spirit that they may be able to propagate your kingdom in the name of Jesus. 2 Corinthians 12:9
- Father make my family members active disciples of Christ , that they also will go into the harvest field to win souls for you and be wise, connect them to a Word preaching church that You are dwelling and they can draw daily food from and become mature Christians in the name of Jesus. Matthew 5:16
- Father upon all my family members touch them so that they won’t go back to their evil and bad ways, help so that they won’t go back to their vomit or turn their backs against You, help them to be deeply rooted in you that they won’t fall victim of false prophets and doctrines in the name of Jesus. Philippians 2:16
- Father every desire to please the world and satisfy their pleasure above serving you and pleasing You be taken away, may you rejoice over each and every one of us, every spirit that is not of you drawing us back to our old ways destroy such powers in the name of Jesus. Galatians 5:17
- Father every form of spiritual nonchalance, spiritual laziness, and insensitivity that has befallen any of my family members making us to quench your Spirit in us and strengthening the flesh be destroyed in the name of Jesus. 2 Peter 1;4
- Father I pray that you endue me and my family members with fresh fire upon our prayer altar, turn us to prayer machines, the grace to pray at all times in season and out of season I pray that you grant it upon us in the name of Jesus. 2 Chronicles 7:14
- Father on the last day let me and my family member rapture with you, none of us shall be found wanting, our lives shall bring glory your name , power to do good and be good grant it upon us Oh Lord in the name of Jesus. Matthew 3:11
- Dear Lord, I pray that my loved ones come to know you as their personal Lord and Savior. Please open their hearts to receive your love, grace, and salvation. (John 3:16)
- Lord, I pray that you remove all barriers that prevent my loved ones from accepting your salvation. Help them to see the truth of your Word and the reality of eternity. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
- Heavenly Father, I ask that you send your Holy Spirit to convict my loved ones of their need for salvation. Help them to understand the seriousness of their sin and their need for forgiveness. (John 16:8)
- Lord, I pray that my loved ones receive the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Help them to turn away from their sins and turn to you for forgiveness and eternal life. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
- Dear God, I pray that you reveal yourself to my loved ones through your Word, through other believers, and through the circumstances of their lives. Help them to see that you are the only way to true peace and joy. (Romans 1:20)
- Father, I ask that you surround my loved ones with your love and grace. Help them to experience your mercy and forgiveness in a profound and life-changing way. (Psalm 103:8)
- Lord, I pray that my loved ones come to know you as their Lord and Master. Help them to surrender their lives to you and to live for your glory and honor. (Romans 10:9)
- Dear God, I pray that my loved ones come to understand the depth of your love for them. Help them to know that you desire a personal relationship with them and that you have a plan and purpose for their lives. (Jeremiah 29:11)
- Heavenly Father, I pray that you protect my loved ones from the lies and deception of the enemy. Help them to see the truth of your Word and the reality of eternal life with you. (1 Peter 5:8-9)
- Lord, I pray that my loved ones experience the power of your love and the peace that comes from knowing you. Help them to trust in your unfailing love and to find hope in the promises of your Word. (Romans 15:13)
Prayer for the salvation of our family members is very essential because we all need each other in this Christian race.
The Importance of Praying for The Salvation of Our Family Members
- Our family members who do not have a personal relationship with Christ are in a state of spiritual separation from God due to their sin (Romans 3:23).
- They are in danger of eternal separation from God and the consequences of rejecting salvation through Jesus Christ (John 3:36).
- Our prayers for their salvation can help to overcome spiritual blindness and barriers to faith (2 Corinthians 4:4).
- God desires all people to come to repentance and salvation (1 Timothy 2:4).
- He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).
- Our prayers can align with God’s will and draw our loved ones closer to Him, as we trust in His sovereignty and love (Romans 8:28).
- Our prayers for the salvation of our family members can make a significant impact, as we call upon God’s mercy and grace (James 5:16).
- We see examples of intercession in the Bible, such as Abraham’s prayer for his nephew Lot (Genesis 18:22-33) and the Philippian jailer’s salvation as a result of Paul and Silas’ prayers (Acts 16:31-34).
- We can have confidence that God hears our prayers and will answer them according to His will (1 John 5:14-15).
Praying for the salvation of our family members is an essential act of love and concern, as we seek to draw them closer to God and the hope of salvation in Christ. Everyone has their part to contribute in the propagating of the kingdom of God, that is what the devil sees and is ensuring they are not saved but I urge you not to give up on them in prayers and also in words, very soon we will all be saved in Christ. Even though once saved isn’t forever saved, the grace to always be in Christ at all times I pray the Lord grant it upon us in the name of Jesus. AMEN