Streams of Joy 21 Days Fasting And Prayer January 2024.
Streams of Joy 21 Days Fasting And Prayer January 2024 Week 2

- EL-ROI! I have indeed Seen the God that sees me! He sees to help, to heal, to turn things around! Therefore DISEASES, SICKNESSES, INFIRMITIES – NOT IN MY 2024, FIRE!!! (Jeremiah 29:11)
- EL-ROI! Make a name for yourself in my life, I refuse a new year with Old identities/Labels! Have Mercy on me, Change my story, Do for me what You only know how to do! (Luke 18:38-41)
- I am Kingdom! I am an ambassador of Christ and I belong to the altar of Fire! By this, sicknesses and diseases cannot be used to describe me/my family members in 2024! Any situation mocking my identity, break! (Luke 17:21, 2 Corinthians 5:20)
- 2024 is my year of expansion, bold beginnings and Unprecedented movement! My Feet have gained motion! No sickness, No disease, No infirmity is permitted to slow me down! I move by Fire! I am unstoppable! (Judges 6:14)
- There is a Prophecy of Multiple Doors of Celebrations over my 2024! As I move from prophecy to manifestation, every plan of the enemy to open multiple doors of pain, Fire! Nothing will go wrong! The gates of hell will never prevail (Matthew 16:18, 2 Corinthians 2:11)
- This is 2024: For Every work of God that has been done in my health, let there be a manifestation! By the Finished Works of Christ, by whose stripes I am healed, Divine Healing and Health is my portion and that of those connected to me! (Isaiah 53:5, John 9:3)
- Every covenant of sicknesses/diseases/afflictions/ill health I may have accepted unknowingly in my thoughts or with my words, I am delivered by Mercy! I break out by Fire! (John 8:36)
- Fire Has Fallen! Therefore, No Divination, No Enchantment against the family of _______, from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet, every sickness/disease/infirmity I shake them off by Fire! (Acts 28:5)
- As I journey from January to December, I prophesy perfect Health In my finances/business/career/ministry/academics! Powers of Hell that sponsor decline, exchange, reduction and retrogression, Fire! (Philippians 1:6)
- I will not be absent on any day of my celebration/coronation, Any man or woman that shall arise to project arrows of sickness or infirmity to hinder me or anyone connected to me, fire of God, both the arrow and archer, scatter! (Proverbs 26:27)
- Enough of Weeping! Enough of suffering! 2024: This far, No further! Years of running around in circles, servicing negativity in my Health, End by Fire! Every fountain of ill health in me or any one connected to me, dry up by Fire! My testimony shall be, Help arrived Suddenly! Speedily! Instantly! (Mark 5:25-34)
- January to December 2024: I AM IN MY GOSHEN! By the Blood of Jesus, Sicknesses and diseases of Egyptians, NOT me! NOT my Family! We are exempted by Fire! (Genesis 45:10, Deuteronomy 7:15)
- I am fashioned in Christ ONLY unto Good Health of Mind, soul, and body! Every lie from the pit of Hell, be cancelled by Fire! (Ephesians 2:10)
- Any Spirit of Babylon insisting that The best of my days will remain in my imagination, Fire!!! This 2024, I Move from imagination to manifestation! I coast in all round perfect health! Nothing missing, Nothing broken! (Psalm 136)
- I redeem every day of my 2024 by the blood and I declare Affliction shall not arise! That same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in me, it quickens, revitalizes and renews my health daily! (Ephesians 5:16; Romans 8:11)
- This year, because I have waited upon the Lord, my health will not fail me, my strength is renewed like the eagle. Where others stumble and fall, grow faint and weary, I soar Higher, I move with greater speed, Hallelujah! (Isaiah 40:31)
- 2024, whatever I bind in you is bound in Heaven! Whatever I loose, will be loosed in Heaven! Therefore I declare Contrary reports are torn by fire! I see healing coming, I see strong men bowing, I see an outburst of the Supernatural! I carry my evidence! I testify that WHAT GOD CANNOT DO, DOES NOT EXIST! (Matthew 18:18-20)

- EL-ROI My Helper, I know you see me! In areas where human protocols and systems have failed me in previous years, This 2024, By your mercies, please be to me who and what I need! Let me be the next to testify that I have indeed seen the God that sees me to help, to lift, to change and turn my life around. (John 5:1-15, Psalm 121)
- 2024: I AM AWAKE! My Eyes are opened to see! My ears are opened to hear! Let That Help that awakens men into their divine nature, causes men to see things before they happen, be activated in my life! Demonic Spiritual slumber, Fire! Not in 2024: I am awake! (Zechariah 4:1-6)
- For Every area of my life where I was slowed down, delayed, denied, tossed aside, this 2024, I receive Help to BOUNCE BACK! By the Resurrection power at work in me, I step into the scene bigger, stronger, better, wiser! Hallelujah!
- Help that capacitates men to carry their long awaited answers, rest on me! As it was for Sarah, I receive Strength to birth the fulfillment of my prophecy and emerge as the next testifier that What God cannot do does not exist! (Hebrews 11:11-12)
- January to December 2024: Before any new day arrives, I declare Help shall already be laid for me! Let everything begin to align!
- This is the year of my rising, 2024 is the year of my manifestation and I will not stop myself! I will be at the right place at the right time, I walk with clarity and precision, my paths and the paths of those that matter, connect by Fire! Amen! (Romans 8:19)
- Wherever I have asked, how shall this thing be? Holyghost overshadow me, incubate me, cover me, grant me that help that man cannot give until I carry my evidence! (John 14:16, Luke 1:26-38)
- I raise an altar of generational Help, no matter where I am or where my family memebers are, help will find us. Any opposition that shall arise against our help, Fire! (2 Samuel 9:7)
- O EARTH, the same way you helped the woman in Revelations 12:6, wherever I step into, Help my destiny, Deliver your best! Dragons, Old serpents that shall arise against my prophecy fulfillment in 2024, swallow by Fire! (Revelations 12)
- As it was Mordecai, I receive help from unlikely sources! Hamans that tried to kill me will facilitate my rising! What tried to slow me down will accelerate me, the same things that tried to bring me down will elevate me. My testimony shall be, All things are working! (Esther 6:1-14)
- It is still my year to gather gold like dust! Like Peter, I receive help to know where the money is! Where others see nothing, I see treasures! I move From Not enough, Less than enough to more than enough! This 2024: I will not be found in any Financial wilderness! (Matthew 17:24-27)
- The doors/gates of the city/nation I live in will never be locked against me! I activate the ministry of Angels over my 2024! As it was for Peter, let even doors and gates I did not knock on begin to open for me! (Acts 12:5-17)
- Every door/gate shut against my helpers, hear the Word of the Lord, EPHPHATHA! 2024; I see them entering! (1 Chronicles 12:12-23)
- No good story of my life will be told in the past! No helper ordained for my destiny will turn around and become a destroyer! No helper will become a hater! By the mercies of God, I declare they are preserved! (Proverbs 10:22)
- As it was for Elijah, Lord let your mighty Hand rest upon me, I receive that Help that causes men on foot to outrun men on chariots! In the same places where I was delayed, I overtake! (1 Kings 18:46)

Join us for DAY 12 of 21 as we Declare over 2024: LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!!!!
Great and Effectual doors of Congratulations, EPHPHATHA!!! Powers that make great doors ineffective and make effective doors small, not in my 2024! I Have received an answer of Peace; Nothing Missing Nothing Broken! (1 Corinthians 16:9, Genesis 41:16)LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! Wherever I step into, let the foundation respond to the grace upon my life, this 2024, wherever my name will enter, let the foundation respond! Amen! (Job 22:28)LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! I am rightly positioned and divinely postured for my Congratulations, Powers of Hell that dislocate men, Fire! I am not your candidate!
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! Light of God whatever is in me that must leave for my Congratulations to emerge, let it be exposed! (Luke 15:8-9)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! A Kingdom Trespasser has arisen! With laser sharp discernment and heightened sensitivity, I pay the Price! I buy the field! I see what is mine, I step in! I take it! Powers of Hell that shall arise to contend, Fire! (Matthew 13:44)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! 2024 is my time and my turn, I see a Prepared Table, a feast of fat things on the mountain with my name on it! Every valley of destiny I have been trapped in, I run out by Fire! (Isaiah 25:6)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! I can be more! I can do more! This 2024, My Congratulations must arise from multiple sources, Grace for Multiple Competences rest on me! (Philippians 4:13)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! I am that city set upon a Hill and Today is my last day on this level, Lord by your mighty hand, carry me from where I am to where I am to where I ought to be, that place of visibility, relevance and unprecedented congratulations! (Matthew 5:14)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! The Lion has prevailed!!! My weeping Days are over! I Hear Joyful Sounds, I see Miracles Everywhere! Hallelujah! (Revelation 5:5)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! I bear upon my health, finances, business/career/ministry the mark of Christ therefore no man shall trouble me! As my congratulations arrive, Powers of Hell that shall arise to steal, kill or destroy, break! (Galatians 6:17)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! Every bridge I need to move from vision to actualization, from dream to reality, be it the revelation, finances, the idea and creativity, connections, help and helpers, let them enter by Fire! My help has come, I carry my congratulations! (Philippians 4:19)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! No delay is permitted in my 2024! Every prince of Persia, ancient strongholds, territorial forces of darkness, withholding my answers, be destroyed! I testify by Fire! (Romans 8:37)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! Heaven is No longer silent! For all the years of demonic quietness in my family, Let multiple celebrations erupt! Angels with our Goodnews have arrived! I see Congratulations handing over to congratulations, no one will be left out for What God cannot do does not exist! (Luke 1)
LET MY CONGRATULATIONS BEGIN!! As in the order of Abraham and Saul, as I step out each day of 2024, out of the ordinary/familiar, let there be an outburst of the supernatural that will lead me to my congratulations! Amen! (Genesis 8:1-8, 1 Samuel 9)
___(insert your name)___ CONGRATULATIONS! Mysterious trumpeters, Angels of my congratulations arise and blow my name in board room meetings, to international investors and clients! Where it matters and when it matters, my name must be remembered! (Hebrews 1:14)
This 2024, everywhere I enter, Congratulations! Everyone that encounters me, Congratulations! By the resurrection power of Christ at work in me, I arise as a warehouse, a conduit, a divine Highway for Congratulations! Christ in me: The Hope of Glory! (Isaiah 61:1-3, Colossians 1:27)
Streams of Joy 21 Days Fasting And Prayer (NSPPD live here )
Streams of Joy 21 Days Fasting And Prayer January 2024 Week 1

Hallelujah! Our long anticipated 21 Days Fasting and Prayers journey begins.
Day 1 themed ARISE AND SHINE
Read/Study/Meditate: Isaiah 60, Genesis 1:1-9, 2 Kings 9:1-13, Matthew 5:14-16, Ephesians 5:8-14, Romans 8:19
2024: EL-ROI Watches over me! The Spotlight of Heaven is on me! A New season is upon me, I ARISE AND SHINE!!! Powers that shall arise against my glorious emergence, Fire! (Genesis 16:13, 2 Chronicles 16:9)
2024: Let there be Light! Let The Fire Fall, Let The Glory of God, Takeover! It is my time and my turn to Arise and shine. My testimony shall be, 2024 started with Joy, progressed with testimonies and ended in praise! (Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 60)
This is the year of my UNVEILING! Where others see nothing, I see treasures! I receive clarity of Vision, I discern the voice of God, I take steps in the right direction, I make powerful connections,
I am rightly positioned with wisdom, fresh ideas, solutions and innovations. Let this first month of January deliver my evidence! (Romans 8:19)
This year, Let the fullness of God’s glory upon my life/family/business/career/academics/ministry be restored on a higher level! In the same places where my rising was hindered/my shining covered in 2023, this 2024, I burst out on a higher level! (Haggai 2:9)
Powers that cause men to work against themselves in ignorance, not me! Not this 2024! I Declare over my mind: LET THERE BE LIGHT! I receive fresh wisdom/understanding/revelations of God’s Word and My identity in Christ to arise and shine! (Ephesians 1:18)
As I Arise and Shine, In the order of the star that led the Wise men to baby Jesus, more than ever before, I provide divine direction, I align my family/generation to God’s agenda! Christ in me: The Hope of Glory! (Matthew 2:12, Colossians 1:27)
Sweet Jesus, you are the Light of my life, Whatsoever is in me/Whoever is around me with the capacity to dilute the potency of your presence in me this 2024, please take them away. (John 1:4)
2024 is demanding what I carry! Lord, Sharpen my cutting edge! I was born for such a time as this, I am the answer! I show up new and sharp! Powers insisting this year will look like other years, Fire! (Isaiah 41:15)
This year, by the mandate of God’s Glory upon my life, I will not walk in darkness! My eyes will see, My ears will hear, My heart will discern the plans and purposes of God for me with clarity and precision. (Romans 12:1-2)
As I Arise, In the order of 2 Corinthians 6:14, Wherever I show up in the year 2024, No matter how demonic any atmosphere is, once I enter, by reason of the Light that I am, let the atmosphere shift!
2024 is My Year! Light Has Come! Help is available, Grace is my advantage! Mercy speaks and Protocols are broken for me! Thank you El-Roi; Indeed I have seen the God that sees me! WHAT GOD CANNOT DO, DOES NOT EXIST!!!!
Streams of Joy 21 Days Fasting And Prayer (NSPPD live here )
(Genesis 21:14-19, Amos 9:13-15, Acts 1:1-8, 1 Chronicles 4:10, John 2:1-11, Acts 10:38)